How does More Trees align with Goal 1?
Our tree planting partners monitor the impact on local people to ensure forest restoration benefits the local communities and enhances livelihoods, while employing local people in permanent, casual and part-time positions. In addition, a variety of agroforestry trees are planted to provide locals with items such as fruit, nuts and spices to trade.
How does More Trees align with Goal 2?
Many of the projects plant agroforestry species, intended as a food source for long-term community use, and equip smallholder farmers with the finance, skills and expertise to improve crop resilience and harvest yields.
How does More Trees align with Goal 2?
Many of the projects plant agroforestry species, intended as a food source for long-term community use, and equip smallholder farmers with the finance, skills and expertise to improve crop resilience and harvest yields.
How does More Trees align with Goal 6?
Many of our partner projects plant aquatic tree species along rivers and other water bodies, which help restrict banks and reduce erosion to improve access to clean and safe water. In addition, forests help maintain hydrological cycles through groundwater recharge, regulating water flow and filtering pollutants.
How does More Trees align with Goal 8?
Our tree planting partners provide smallholder farmers and local communities with the means to create additional income streams, whether that be trading the fruits, nuts and spices produced by agroforestry trees, improving crop yield, or restoring estuaries to provide fishing grounds. In addition, the projects create many permanent, casual and part-time job opportunities for local people.
How does More Trees align with Goal 10?
The income, improved environment and social connections generated by our tree planting project provide significant economic, environmental and social benefits that can reduce inequality and help to alleviate poverty.
How does More Trees align with Goal 11?
Some partners’ projects help reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters, such as wildfires and flooding. By restoring degraded land, public access to safe and inclusive green spaces is also improved.
How does More Trees align with Goal 13?
By reestablishing healthy forests, we can help reverse damage caused by climate change and strengthen resilience against climate change, while planting trees that will help absorb CO2. Procedures are in place to assess survivability and accurately measure carbon sequestration.
How does More Trees align with Goal 14?
Tree planting and kelp restoration can filter water, improve habitats, and regulate rainfall by intercepting and storing water, providing resources for animals and plants, and protecting against erosion and flooding.
How does More Trees align with Goal 15?
The indigenous tree species planted across our projects provide the food, shelter and organic matter to help reduce flooding, erosion and sedimentation; provide long-term habitats for biodiversity; and improve soil quality for agriculture and other land uses.