Blogs & News.

The Top 6 Tree Planting Methods for Reforestation
In the face of climate change and deforestation, tree planting projects are proving an essential tool in the restoration of our planet’s health and future.

Branching out: Our new tree planting projects in Nepal, Honduras and the Philippines
As part of our ongoing commitment to helping businesses create positive environmental and social impacts, we’re thrilled to launch three new tree planting projects on the More Trees platform, in partnership with Eden Reforestation. These vibrant projects will help restore local ecosystems, combat climate change and support local communities. Let’s take a closer look.

One tree planted for every Green Live attendee
We are excited to announce our partnership with this year’s Green Live, which will see us planting more than 12,500 trees in much-needed projects worldwide as part of their sustainable consumer events in Milton Keynes and London.

International Day of Forests – What is it and how can you help?
International Day of Forests (also known as World Forestry Day) takes place on Sunday 21 March 2021.
Millions of people from around the world will join together (virtually) to celebrate and raise awareness of all different kinds of forests, while promoting this year’s theme: Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being.
Even more MoreTrees platform updates
We want to make being a tree planting and planet-saving superstar as easy as possible. So, we’ve made taking climate action by planting trees for your business and self even easier.

World Wildlife Day – What is it and how can you help?
It’s Wednesday 3 March, which means two things: it’s Hump Day and it’s World Wildlife Day.
World Wildlife Day is an annual day to celebrate and raise awareness about the world’s wild animals and plants.

New tree planting platform updates
In our bid to help you plant one billion trees, we’ve been busy updating the platform to make tree planting in the UK (and beyond) as easy as possible.
So, we’re super happy to announce not one, but four new updates

Tree planting projects: planting trees in Madagascar
You probably know Madagascar from David Attenborough’s Lost Worlds (although if you know it from Dreamworks, we’re not judging!) – but what we know Madagascar for is our fantastic tree planting projects and partners.
The different ways businesses are planting trees (& offsetting their carbon emissions)
When we started MoreTrees, we wanted to make it easy for businesses take climate action automatically (or manually).
We envisaged businesses planting a tree for every order on Shopify, every paid invoice, or even every taxi ride.
What we didn’t expect was all the fun ways (and excuses) you’d come up with for planting trees.

What is net zero (and what does it mean for your business)?
It sounds like an ‘80s pop group, but net zero is a serious term with some serious consequences for businesses in the UK.
In this guide to what is net zero, we’re explaining what this climate change term means and the implications for businesses across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Tree planting projects: planting trees in Haiti
You might know Haiti for its breathtaking beaches, crystal blue waters and picture-postcard Caribbean vibes – but what we know Haiti for is our tree planting projects.
In the first of our tree planting project blogs, we’re heading all the way to the Caribbean to look at why tree planting is so crucial in Haiti and what our tree planting projects and partners are achieving in this stunning destination.
How much carbon does a tree absorb (sequester)?
It’s one of the first questions people ask when they look into tree planting for climate action – how much carbon does a tree absorb?
The long answer is – it depends.
The short answer is – A mangrove tree sequesters an estimated 0.3 tonnes of CO2 over its growth life. How do we know this? Well, let’s delve into the long answer.

10 frightening climate change facts to scare you this Halloween
It’s Halloween, and in true ghoulish style, the MoreTrees team have been sitting around a pumpkin, sharing their harrowing climate change stories.
Can you make it to the end?

Why is carbon dioxide harmful to the environment?
We hear a lot about carbon dioxide and how it’s the main driver behind climate change. But do you know why carbon dioxide is harmful to the environment, and why it’s good for the environment too? Let’s find out.

Tree planting to sequester CO2
Tree planting helps sequester future CO2 emissions, combat deforestation and give back to a planet that gives so much. But how?
In this article, we’re delving into tree planting and why it’s so important to our planet’s future.
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